This is really annoying, lose by opponent's disconnection.
- 0 Apr 2012 ,0:21am
This is really annoying, lose by opponent's intentional disconnection. This thing happens so often that I begin to hate this site. I love playing Baduk with my heart, most players are respectable and have great manner. But few players are playing tricks to win the game. When it is obious that they lost the game, they will refuse to count and disconnect the game(run away and playing some kind of dirty trick). I just had a game with zcvbnmgd, I was winning by over the margin of 100, zcvbnmgd refused to count and disconnected himself repeatedly. I patiently waited more than 15 minutes..., I started talking to myself "oh, no, not again!". Guess what? Yes, it happened again. The screen said "hindol360"(my id) won against "zcvbnmgd" by disconnectiion. The result will not be changed in accordance with Tygem rules. I captured the screen in my iphone as a proof. But when I quit the game and checked the result, it shows that zcvbnmgd won the game!!! ............ Tygem needs to do something about this.