Se-dol Lee won BC Card Cup!
Se-dol Lee defeated Gu Li in the last macth of the final, winning his second trophy of BC Card World Championships.
The two of world-class player's final game attracted a lot of attention. Most of baduk websites broke their record in simultaneous log-ins and there were many inquiries that when it starts or how to watch the game.

(Gu Li, Se-dol Lee from the left)
☞ Key points of the match ☜
(Point 1) ★★
① Se-dol Lee(B) prepared Low Chinese Style (move 1~5). ② While Gu Li(W) took a cautious stand in the opeening game by (w6, w8, w12). ③ An unexpected turn started from (move 13~48) ④Until W48, It looks good for White because Black's groups in the center have some week points while White takes lots of solid territory.
(Point 2) ★★★★
W1 - (N,2), W5(M,1)
① Gu Li(W) tried to make a ko to stabilize his group with W1. ② However, W7 was a mistake. W7 is to kill Black's group in the lower of right corner, but White's group in the upper side is much bigger than Black's one. ④ Se-dol Lee(B) just captured W5, as a matter of course. ⑤ So, Gu Li(W) connected his group first (W9~W11) with tearful eyes. ⑥After all, with B12, Gu Li only lost on the ko. The current situation smiles on Se-dol Lee(B).
(Point 3) ★★★
Captured stone : Black ● - (O,6)
① Gu Li(W) risked big danger(W1) to destroy Se-dol Lee's territory becuase he felt the game is not good for him. ② B2 is natural. To use a commom word, he is not a pro-player if he plays on the other places. It's Pro's spirt! ③ With following moves, Se-dol Lee(B), in response, played in a easy way as he sees through Gu Li(W)'s strategy.(B8~14). ④ Now, the game becomes more favorable to Se-dol Lee(B).
[The game; Se-dol Lee(B) Vs Gu Li(W)]
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